My NOH8 Photos 3751-4000

Brendon Owens - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Ashley Chunell - Ashley Chunell Jerry  - Be who you wanna be Michael Sprague
Tom  Death Lynne Cook Andrew Slater - Vancouver Pride :) Gaybriel Trendz - Swimming past leches and soaring high! #SPLASH
Jared Palmer - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Claudia Mejia - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Justin Blum - "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength"

-Maya Angelou
Kea Brix
Georgia  WARD BROWN  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Emily Gilmore - -for all voices silenced by inequality John Newstead - Even country people support NO H8 Manny Garcia - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Shelby McDowell - Stop Bullying Renee Gourgon Breanna Fisher - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Ally
Ace Boogie - PEACE, LOVE & EQUALITY #NoH8 Dalaney Hensley - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Tia Hoffman - Free to love who I choose! Conrad filas - mr gay poland 2013\2014
Kenita Bell - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Diego Diaz - Peace and yoga Di Rudolf - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Tiani Miller - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Marcos Aguirre - After Creating Changes Photo Shoot Shannon Spruill - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Missy Diehl - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Erin Bundesen - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Paul Clark - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Antonio Santos - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Kerry Mertes - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Daniel Boudreau - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Summer Ayala - My NOH8 by Studio Zinc, Dallas, TX. Logan Richards - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Jazun Winehouse  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Joanna T
Ashley Hallahan - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Sabrina Morales  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Ashley Ladue - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Johnny - "Its never wise to discriminate or judge another human being who lives and breathes just like anyone else...Allow perceptions of optimism, allow humanity to love and let live"-JH
abiodun adebiyi dasha ANDERSON - This here is baby Licia known to the stonewall Nevada dems as BABY EQUALITY, she is my blue eyed princess. I decided to do a noh8 photo with my daughter to show the world that there are still people out there who raise children to love everyone, and not to judge for any reason. So from our family to yours #lgbtq #lgbt #equality #love Cricket jiminy - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Noah and Ronan - Noah and Ronan
Charles Chan Massey - My #NOH8 montage i cesaer - Use your mentality, wake up to reality D C - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone aaron smith - Aaron Smith France
Ash - Ashley Perez. Military. Jax,FL. Instagram: @perezash Shantel Sifuentes - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone poom - My NOH8 photos me Samantha Gray - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Elijah Snell - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone camille washington Brandon Burwick - I have submitted a photo because I am an openly gay man and an aspiring actor and I have had my hard times. I have been shot down by directors and many more because of who I am and at times I was very close to giving up but being raised in a house where we never quit I pushed on and continued to be myself even when it hurt, I was so scared to be out but once I found out that I am not alone and I have NOH8 support I decided that it is time and when I did finally "come out" I was surprised to see how many people were supportive. I am so happy for all that NOH8 has done to help the community at large not just the LGBT community, because they have also opened the eyes of many others as well. I just want to so thank you for your support and the support of so many others because I know now that I truly am never alone, and to anyone out there that is afraid or in need of someone to talk to or to just help you out I would recommend NOH8 Campaign they listen and they are always so very helpful. I am proud to say that I help my friends now on a daily basis because they know that know matter what I am there for them in their hard times and even the good ones, and I am proud to say I am an openly gay man. Again thank you so much NOH8 Campaign you help so many people including me. Lauren-Jasmine Barham  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Ariana Johnston - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Lori Janiec - Troop 184, Plainfield, IL jennifer mckenna - Me and my beautiful sister Jordan Beneke - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Brittany Snyder - My 5 year old son Lucas showing his support. Alex Chafin - In a small town with more churches than stores. No red lights and close minded people I found an outlet in photography. I started doing photography as a hobby and then I came across Adam's NOH8 photos and fell in love with the meaning behind it. My best friend, sister and I all took our own NOH8 photos. As a woman who identifies as transmasculine in a town like mine I've been bullied and harassed by not only my peers but also their parents. Photography and the NOH8 campaign have saved me more times than I can count. Thank you, Adam for giving me hope and letting me know I am not alone. Leon Hightower - NOH8 Just Love Liam Harvey - Toby
Chelle Cooper - Lacey demonstrates that no child is born with hate. Laura Petersen - I couldn't get my baby girl to sit still for me to put no h8 on her cheek - so that's photoshopped, but this shirt is a hand-me-down from her big brother. #gener8tionNoH8 Robert Knerr - Robert & Justin Paul Onisick - Me, Paul Onisick 23 and in the Army National Guard and my husband, Philip Boehmer 47. Married for two years!
Sasha Ortiz - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone YESASH - YESASH #NOH8 Angel Binas - Stop homophobia! Zachary Mallory - #NOH8Selfie
Tshepi - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Jessica Williams - #loveislove #noh8 #pride Melissa Gillis - New license!  Virginia NOH8!!!! London Warrick - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Shannan Smith - 3 generations showing our support of gay marriage Sara Mills - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone M.T.A. Daniel Britton-Olson - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Mary Jones - Cody. Equality for all, love is love, NOH8 Tori Morris - Hate is Blind Mitja Curman - Supporting equal rights /w @NOH8Campaign
Stand up for love! chastity Duncan - My girlfriend and I
Jack Burgess Sarah Gorden - As I was finishing up finals for my classes I thought of many different things I could do and the one thing that popped in my head was the NOH8. This has been a very passionate project for me and to try and do. There is so much hate in the world that it needs to come to an end. 
Courtney Cole was a great participant in portraying my vision Leo Theo - on NOH8 CAMPAIGN

I participated in the “NOH8” Campaign to start the spark for Europe."NOH8" is a call to end hatred & violence for greater acceptance and equality for all.
I’m Greek and I was born and grown up as a second generation immigrant in Germany. 

In both countries but also in many other European states I travelled, there are still remnants of hatred towards many people in each level. Colored people who are still discriminated, towards people with HIV and the social outcry of gay and trans people are a deep social wound in a Europe that wants to progress . Even sexism is at very high rates.

Nobody is born a racist but no one is born ready to be tolerant. Personally, I'm gay, I have family members who are black. My mother taught me to respect females and my father to respect myself. So I consider it my duty to speak openly about these issues and urge everyone to support and follow the campaign.

Personally I never experienced any kind of hate from others. This does not mean that I will past it. I am not HIV positive, but non-HIV positive cause no one is actually HIV negative and this means that we need to act together. I do not belong to any religion, but I respect those who believe and support the right of anyone to believe. I do not belong to any political side but I work with those who contribute substantially to combat hate speech and violence.

I participate in many campaigns and organizations on health and social solidarity. Let’s make “NOH8” a world motto and provide hope to those who are feeling discouraged and desperate by demanding change in light of a brighter vision of the future. Donate “NOH8” campaign especially with love. 

I’m calling on everyone, young and old in Europe and from all countries over the world to unite against everything that begets hatred!

EmmyJade - Love is beautiful, even in black and white.
Stephanie Tirado - I accept you for who you are. With a bow on my hair and tie around my neck. Avdian Paljevic - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Mark Mangiaracina - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Gene Torres - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Hollie Riner - I am so blessed to have this man as my best friend. Yes he is gay; and yes I am so proud that he is confident enough to be himself and find love in the face of all the negative in this world. There will be no freedom without total equality. NOH8 Roro - end hatred and start acceptance nayeli  Orduna  - Proud that we were a part of the NOH8 campaign in Denver,Co. Diane MacMillan - Family
Sallyanne Austin - NoH8 ! Britni Wyche - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Casey Peugh - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Sam Dempster - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Maya Wilkinson - I live in Jamaica and I put humanity above all else. 
-Maya Wilkinson Mark Wesley Pritchard - My Story and Dreams

My name is Mark Wesley Pritchard and I am an aspiring author and mentor. I am currently writing a book called “Walk a Mile in My Shoes”, which is about sharing the obstacles I have been through in my life and well as encouraging others to be confident in themselves. The main reason of writing it is I want to inspire others to be champions in every day life and not let others discourage them of following their dreams, regardless of age. I am still writing material for this book and hopefully will be published sometime this year and released in 2015. Being surrounded by positive people that I have known for years that believed in me motivated me that I can accomplish anything. My mission is to reach out to those who are unable to speak or stand up for themselves.
I would like to take a few minute of your time to tell a little bit more about myself. I was born in Staten Island, New York and grew up in a Texas town called Arlington, which has a population of around 375,000 people. As a child, it was difficult to make friends or interact with anyone in general. Also, I felt lonely and was diagnosed with Aspergers, which is a form of Autism where an individual has difficulties with being social with others and experiences loneliness. I was in Special Education classes from Pre-K through my junior year of high school. Plus, I was a victim of bullying for most of my life. My peers would ridicule me because of my looks and being intelligent. My parents did not like me at all growing up and would use my youngest siblings to embarrass me. They would say negative things and wish ill will on me so that I would not succeed in life. I felt like I was a complete failure and did not do my best. Not only that, I was pressured by them to be perfect, especially when it came to my grades. I made A’s and B’s in school and if I brought home at least one C, they would get angry. So, I did not have that one person that I looked up to at all to guide me and support me. I was lost, powerless, defeated and did not know who or where to turn to.
In March of 2012, I made one of the hardest and biggest decisions in my life. I came out to my friends as a gay man. The reaction was mixed and was eager to hear how they felt about it. Some of my friends resented me for coming out of the closet while others supported me and congratulated me on being brave enough to share who I really was. Two years later, people would ask me if made any regrets on coming out. My response to them was simply, “No regrets.” I do not have any regrets because I was tired of hiding my sexuality from everyone and feeling guilty. Writing this book is not the only thing I am doing. I would like to become a voice to those who are hurting and feeling like they have no hope. If there is any way that I could be a part of supporting a great organization like yours in any way, please let me know because I am highly interested.
For myself, there are so many things I want to achieve in my life that I never got to accomplish. Going to college and being a mentor to each and every person are some of the dreams that I want to happen for me. I am seriously aiming to not only become a public figure, but doing other things that will motivate everyone to be confident and stronger. As a former Job Corps student, I feel like motivating people is my calling and want to make a difference in their lives. I am hoping that my “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” will touch people and helping them reach their goals.
Finally, I am frequently on social media and this is one of the many ways I am interacting with my followers and friends. Posting inspiring quotes just to lift someone’s spirits up frequently as well as giving great advice is beneficial. Plus, interacting with them, no matter who they are or where they came from. I am here to listen, not judging or ridiculing them because it is not in my nature or position to do so. My followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been so supportive of me about what I am doing. The addresses to the social media pages I just mentioned will be shown below this letter. I thank you for taking the time to read my letter and if you have any questions, comments or words of encouragement, feel free to reply back. I welcome all feedback, positive or negative.
Mark Wesley Pritchard
“You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991);
Writer, Cartoonist, Animator

I'm always open to have people following me. Nohe Delgado - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Jim Trumps - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
joey clark - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Jennifer Gutierrez - Burbank, CA 2/22/14 Cadeizia Tall - Noh8. A few weeks ago when you came to Alvirne High school, my school. Victoria Kind - Joining in on the NOH8 campaign
Ashley Lanning - LaTrell C. and Ashley L., Wichita, Ks. Photo taken in Topeka, Ks 4-11-14. All LOVE NOH8!!! My son will be raised with all love by 2 mommies! I wouldn't have it any other way! Brad Woodford - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Arthur Rue - NO
H8 megan godfrey
David Cline - My Story, We try every day to make people laugh and smile, this world needs more kindness, love and equality. We are Dim N Wit, the Fairy Brothers. We <3 and support the NO H8 Campaign Pamela Silver - My Wife & I at the Equality House in Topeka Ks. Amy Camp Kelly Kearney
Luis Gonzalez - Luis Angel Gonzalez Whitney Bruce - THIS IS ME.. FROM A SMALL TOWN IN TENNESSEE... Holly Sky - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
starrbi3 Rev. "Knife" Sotelo - Religious zealots officially asked me the Satanic rap pioneer "Knife" Sotelo to stop recording after receiving a slew of complaints about my sex occult-laden lyrics. But I refused to acknowledge the threat against me - because I felt that I was on a free-speech mission. I verbally express that, "N.W.A. is best known for the fight for freedom of speech and expression. I'm just part of that branch." 
Sean Boone - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Jade Williams - NOH8 :)
Patrick Nixon - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Alexis Shelton - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Ethan O'Brian  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone All Girl Talk Radio - See NoH8 speak NoH8
Penny Navaraj Judith Medrano - Little drawing I made in honor of NoH8 Gilbert Mancha - NOH8 patch + bean
(Don't mind the cluttered door) Vick Mack - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign  Follow Me On Twitter @IAMVickMack
Eve Kelemen - Outside NOH8 event. Scottsdale, AZ. April 19th, 2014 Astrid Anderssen - I had so much fun while crocheting this bunny and want to share it with you. One of my daughters live in Austria and is going to marry her girlfriend in July and I'm so proud and happy about this. Your campaign - I follow on Facebook - inspired me to make this Bunny...
Greetings from Germany
Astrid Anderssen Amanda Soto - Instagram classylady85 (Amanda Soto) Hannah Hayden - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
@ l¡ttle Prince - NO H8 Jef Nassah - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Hannah Peck cowles - Tattooed and proud to support <3 NOH8 D-Oguzhan Simsek - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Maria Lighthouse - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Sarah Laborde - Love is love. I don't care who you are or who you love. Just love <3 Eva-Maria Alexandra Panagiotou - “The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” 
― John F. Kennedy AJAMBROSE - Proud To Support NOH8! Can't wait to see you guys this Saturday in Fort Lauderdale.
Alyssa Ramos - In order to show my respect for all of human kind, I made and wore a #noh8 shirt with Magic Johnson on it to the Clippers playoff game yesterday, the same day Donald Sterling was banned from the NBA for life. Brandon Porter - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone socalvillaguy - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Lizbeth Ramirez - It's time to end discrimination.  Let's demand equal rights, justice and true freedom to everyone.  Power to the People!
Central West ME4PA - Sara Campbell from West Middlesex, PA ichad Carlos Sirvent  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone thomeshia hobgood - I love NOH8 Campaign
Anthony Richardson - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone SoitsJacob - My take on NOH8!!! Andrew Thomas - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Matthew Dutton - NOH8!
Julian Herrera - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Marcel de Lange - Proud supporter of the NOH8 Campaign! Teri Snajka - NOH8 Ontario Iron Man - Ontario Iron Man supports the NoH8 Campaign
Anastacia Fontaine - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Kelly Moran - Author Kelly Moran supporting the NOH8 campaign.
"Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn."~Unknown Poet
I"m raising my children in a hate-free home and proud to support this cause. XO
@AuthorKMoran Kellyn Lora - My NO H8 <3 SPEAK NO H8 STEPHEN KUTTNER - What happens when two photographers meet for the same cause? It was a pleasure to meet such the amazing and humble photographer, Adam Bouska. Thanks for what you are doing and may our paths meet again. -KUTTNERpix
Jon Poe - NO H8 when I'm out Riding! Nia Donawa Kate Brooke Garrett
Sidney Lawrence Ashley Tesauro Stimulate - Peace love and happiness. By Stimulate Photography Maurene Goodman
Alexis Gonzalez Michelle Orndorff - This is me at a group photo shoot in Peoria, Illinois.  kayla kuzela - I support the Gays and Bisexuals. i am bisexual and I will run for the NOH8 Campaign it's not right for people to pick/ bully people the are gay or bisexual people should accept that person for who they are. And if you bisexual and your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn't like the fact that your bisexual then they don't accept you for who you are. one week ago I told my ex boyfriend that I'm bisexual and he didn't like it and I said so you don't accept me for who I am and he said yes. And yes I have been bullied by people because I'm bisexual and when they comment on it I say I don't care if you don't like that I'm bisexual it's my life my sexuality get over it you have your life and I have my life.And to all the bisexual,gay people out their I will tell you it WILL GET BETTER. So don't be afraid to be who you are just because you are different.BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE.    Alessia Tolotti - NOH8
Kayla Johnson - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Tracy Harling - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Eddie Garcia - I am student of the Art Institutes and we recently embraced this good cause. Being a creative, we are extremely open-minded and embrace diversity. This photo came natural and wanted to play off my natural sense of humor. It is as I'm asking, "How about we start over, but this time with no hate?" Powerful imagery that I had to share and hopefully this will inspire my fellow artists of all mediums and the human race, the only race I acknowledge. Weston Mason - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Travis Miller - Supporting NOH8!!! gina draehn - my husband, my daughter and I all got tattoos tonight... real ones! NOH8...damn right we support it! Dylann Jo - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Juan Aldana - Best way to live your life is to listen to your heart. Inside are things worth dying for. Better fight for what you stand  than to do nothing at all
Rachel Bolin - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone damien - NOH8 Sabrina Sargent - When I asked my 6 year old daughter if she wanted to go to a photo shoot to show support of 2 men or 2 women getting married she replied, " I wanna go because your the best mommy ever and we need to find you a girlfriend. My daughter and I at the NY photo shoot. Sarah Alvarez-Calupitan - ONE LOVE <3
Tracy Abarca - Rachel representing Lawton, Oklahoma NOH8... McKenna  Mousner  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Bonnie Perry - Bonnie Squared - NOH8 Angel Almonte - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
jesse - #NOH8WorldWide #GayPride #Gay #GayBoy #Instagay #gaystagram #NOH8 #RainbowPride #Selfie #ButFirstLetMeTakeASelfie #SelfieAddict #SelfieHolic #MarriageEquality #Equality #GayRights #PicsArt Georgeth Williams - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone  Brittany cameron - #noh8 OBGRT - The cast of the upcoming TV show "Our Big Gay Road Trip" endorses the NOH8 Campaign.
David Turner - Don't hate, just spread love and acceptance! Jon  Poe  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Tiffany kosse - Because it's never to early Edoardo_Eddy - together is better
Nicole Campbell - My family and I attended the No H8 in Kansas! sondra king - Me and my wife! NOH8...we live in Phoenix, AZ and have been together 10 years and married for 5. David Taylor - I have a dream of a world without intolerance or hate.  One day :) Janet castanon - NO H8 just love
Desiree Sweeney - East Hampton, CT
GSA Organization Deborah Estrada  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Meow - Outside The Equality House Waiting For Adam To Take Our Pics! Generation NOH8 - #NOH8
K Von - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Eilonwy Bledsoe - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Brittany Combee - I can hardly stand the pain that is caused to me everyday by the hate all around...Will anyone help me? iana davis - My classmates noh8 participation
Daniel Guel - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Rushan Mew - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Adam Schweitzer - #GlitterBomb (Skitz M Jones, Bryan Fellowes, and Donny Dynamite) is a team of independent pro-wrestlers from the northwest suburbs of Illinois.  As performers they use their status as exoticos ( to actively challenge a hypermasculine cultural standard, espousing a belief in equality across all genders and orientations, while entertaining wrestling crowds young and old. Laura Little
Diana Lozano - Teaching him to love. Zachary Keene - Hi im Zach im a 17 year old boy from Ontario Canada and I and my friends fully support the LGBT Community as well as one om my close friends being Gay Nimue  Grantly - My Photo from italy Hugs Nimue grantly from Second Life Amiyah Marley
Vasti Pinto - Vasti<3 Sarah Ellington - Noh8 Damian Lee Ben  Cardenas - Proud to be a single Gay Dad. My proud daughters
Katelyn Relihan - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Kayla Russell  - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Sara Pittman - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone AZ Jean
Lucinda Lewis - This is a photo of Kia Monkey and his brother Heel-a-Butt at New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2013 supporting #Marriage Equality for everyone! There was a NOH8 booth at comic con. Calzonagrl5 Torres - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone - NoH8 photo shoot in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl Marlina Bradford - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Tatiana Barthel - No H8 By Tatiana B./Ryou Kuga Julián  Ramírez  - México apoya noh8 Jemijo Max - Jeremiah Micah Johnson AKA Jemijo Max(YouTube) Brittan Smith - We all have a voice, We all choose whether we spread love or hatred with that voice.
Jimmy Saavedra - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone T.S. David Gonzales - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone CraaKMorgan - Love is love, the only thing that different is the packing, not the feeling.
Tricia Cohen - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Tyler Newell - Im a young man from high in the Northeast of USA. I knew straight from the get go when i was in 8th grade that had a high interest in guys. The only issue was the homophobia around me. I didn't want to be harassed or bullied because I didn't want to have to have that extra stress in my life. I awaited 4 years through high school and finally within my senior year of high school on New Years Eve I came out to everyone except my parents. I knew that something was seriously gonna happen if I told them. I awaited till the last second before I headed off to college that  I was gay. They didn't on the other hand say anything bad just that they love me for whom I was. They new that I was gay since I was 5 years old. They just wanted me to come out all by myself when I was ready. I was a theater geek for 10 years, sang, danced, love to shop. I always had girlfriends over and loved to shop. I feel so much better now. It has been three years of being out. I am so relieved feels like hundreds of pounds came off my shoulders once I did. All i can say is that come out when your comfortable, talk to people like your family and friends they should care no matter what. Be who you are. Don't change because someone asks you to. Tammy Shawgo - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone Ivy Perez - I created this look using Prinsess Makeup line which is owned by a friend of mine..We created a NoH8 collage to help bring awareness and to represent for this campaign. You don't have to like something but you also don't have to show hatred towards it. I love the LGBT community and I represent proudly.
alexis palacios - Prinsess Makeup promoters collaboration for the NoH8 Campaign. Iraliz Carmona - I support our brothers and sisters.