Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Wow, who could believe it's 2010 already? We hope all of you enjoyed a great holiday season, and that you were able to spend some time with friends and family! We have been incredibly blessed this year to have gained as much support as we have, and we owe that to all of you for spreading the message of NOH8. YOU are the ones that have made this campaign what it is, and you should all be proud of yourselves. One face at a time, we're helping to make a difference!



Some of the boys from the Real World: Washington, D.C. cast made it their priority to stop over at our studio with only hours left in LA before their flights back home. Mike Manning, Andrew Woods, and Josh Colon each took their own unique portraits before taking their amazing group shot. It was important to each of the boys to use their exposure for the campaign, and we really appreciate them all making it happen! We had so many great shots to choose from - picking just a few was hard




The guys were all incredibly eager to help out in whatever way they could, and each of them grabbed a bunch of NOH8 tattoos to sport out on the town later that night. They weren't sure they'd make it into the studio that night after their taping, so they wrote it on their faces in marker just in case. We made sure to give them the authentic NOH8 treatment when they arrived, of course. Appreciate the effort, boys!

The all new season of The Real World: Washington DC just premiered on MTV earlier this week, so be sure to watch this season. We're told they deal with some pretty interesting and relevant topics to our cause, and we're interested to learn more about the cast who came in to support us.

A huge thanks goes out to RW: Brooklyn's JD Ordonez who set the whole thing up for us. He took an incredible shot of his own earlier that day, where he was joined by RW: Hawaii's Ruthie Alcaide.



Both Ruthie and JD tour college campuses talking about their experiences on the show and how it's changed their lives. Both have been very vocal about their GLBT background on and off the show, and they each speak a lot about dealing with those issues and more with college students around the country.



As some of you may have noticed, we've been very busy lately. As 2009 closed we celebrated our one year anniversary, which included the pretty shocking engagement of NOH8 Co-Founders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley. Those at the NOH8 Anniversary event witnessed this first hand, but fortunately for all of you there's a video on the internet that captures the whole thing! You can check it out here


Congratulations boys! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

We've also been hard at work on a brand new website that we're looking to launch VERY soon. We're really excited to share the new site with you, so look for a brand new noh8campaign.com in the new year. Until then, please bear with us as we work on the transition. :)

To kick off the new year, we've announced a number of open shoots, which you can find more details about in the EVENTS section of our website! We'll be shooting in West Hollywood, San Diego, and even New York City!

We wish a very happy new year to all, and look forward to renewing our fight for equality in 2010. We have a long way to go, but we've seen the future in each and every one of the people who have supported us and we know it's only a matter of time until we can come together and overturn the hateful and discriminatory marriage legislation we currently have written into our laws all over the country. Make your new years resolution count - talk to as many people as you can about who you are and how you feel. Be heard - NOH8!


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