For The Ones I Love, by Lorris

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

NOH8. No Hate. No judgment… just acceptance for who we are and the choices we make in our life.

31836_mediumI posed for this picture for a lot of different reasons. The first being for my son, because I want him to have proof that as his mother I will love him no matter what he does or who he will love when he grows up.

I did this for my sister Liese who is one of the smartest and strongest women I know who did some amazing things with her life. Growing up I would look up to her… I wanted to be just as smart and strong as my sister.

I also took this picture for all my friends and family from different walks of life and to prove to them that I will love and support you no matter what…that at the end of the day I have your back.

I took this picture because of the beautiful woman who posed with me. She asked me if I would go with her and I didn’t even hesitate with my answer. She is an incredible woman and I love her dearly. She is smart, strong, funny, and a caring woman who always has a smile on her face. I hope I can be half as wonder as her.

Finally, I took this picture for myself. I wanted to remind myself to never judge a book by its cover and to always read a few chapters and get to the heart of the book. To remember what my father taught me growing up, that being different is OK and that if we were all the same life would be dull and tasteless because after all it’s the different spices in life that make it worth living.


San Diego Open Photo Shoot



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