My NOH8 Photos 4251-4500

- Jessica LaMarca
- Logic doesn’t = straight, Logic = NOH8 by Jess
I’ve always understood the impact being different can have on a person, having been born with Asperger’s Syndrome: a form of high functioning Autism. Perhaps I have my logical brain to thank for always seeing people regardless of their sexual orientations and gender identities, as deserving equal rights, respect and happiness. Having met many amazing members of the LGBT community through school and within my family, I’m proud to remind the world that hate is a form of ignorance which blinds us to the truly beautiful aspects of life, particularly people. Only through peace and cooperation with others, by being respectful of differences naturally occurring in our shared race of humanity, can we live life completely.
I’ve always understood the impact being different can have on a person, having been born with Asperger’s Syndrome: a form of high functioning Autism. Perhaps I have my logical brain to thank for always seeing people regardless of their sexual orientations and gender identities, as deserving equal rights, respect and happiness. Having met many amazing members of the LGBT community through school and within my family, I’m proud to remind the world that hate is a form of ignorance which blinds us to the truly beautiful aspects of life, particularly people. Only through peace and cooperation with others, by being respectful of differences naturally occurring in our shared race of humanity, can we live life completely.