Team NOH8 Raises Over $22k for AIDS Walk NY!

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

On Sunday, May 15, Team NOH8 and 45,000 other caring individuals raised an incredible $6,214,768 million to support the life-sustaining work of GMHC. Despite the early downpour, thousands turned out to walk with and for their friends, family, and colleagues who have struggled with HIV and AIDS both directly and indirectly.


We gathered our team as the rain started to let up, applying NOH8 tattoos to our entire team. Several people from other teams approached us to get tattoos and stickers as well, wanting to sport the message of NOH8 during the walk. Team NOH8 Campaign was joined by Real Housewives of New York star Sonja Morgan, who kicked off the walk with us.

As of May 27th, the NOH8 Campaign - made up of 200 walkers - pledged $22,272.00 and collected $22,147.00. That ranks Team NOH8 Campaign as the 23rd Top Fundraising Team of 1897 registered teams! The amount we raised is over double the amount of money we were able to raise for AIDS Walk LA & AIDS Project Los Angeles last yea.


Left: Adam Bouska & Jeff Parshley w/ Special Guest Sonja Morgan. Right: The Main Stage at the Finish of the Walk.

Thank you so much to everyone who signed up to be a part of our AIDS Walk New York team this year; we hope you'll join us again next year. Like our walk in LA, this was our very first time participating in AIDS Walk NY -- and each and every one of you made it a memorable experience!





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